- Palm Roll- Place the hand roller between the palms of your hands and simply roll your palms and fingers in opposite directions. Start with light pressure and see what feels best for you.
- Back of hand roll - Place your right palm on your stomach-shoulders relaxed, with the roller in your left hand, place it on the back side of your right hand, and simply roll back and forth. Switch hands and repeat as needed.
Like a good massage, you start with a gentle touch to relax and loosen up the area.
Put the roller on the floor, put your foot on the smooth curve of the roller, roll back and forth until you are ready to move on. Then go to the middle of the roller, continue use until you are ready to go deeper into your work. Move to the most textured part and roll!
THE KEY with our hand and foot rollers is - if you find a tender spot, keep working that area!
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